Why I will never watch porn again


Hit the ‘play’ button, arouse the passion and… enjoy! You’re in the sex dreamland, high on the waves… or so it seems.

How do we actually benefit from the porn industry? It makes us crave for more and more of that reality-like production. And yet one remains only an observer, a watcher.
         Maybe it’s time for me to switch from ‘us’ to ‘me’ because I have had also watched pornography and more than a little. I had my share of licentiousness – straight, gay, whatever. But porn didn’t enrich me at all. On the contrary – it made me an addict, a porn addict. I still appeared to be a decent girl, but I was hooked. There goes rule №1: appearance misleads! Remember it the next time you see your cute teenager niece thinking how innocent she is. Wrong! Everybody has watched porn (women too) and those who deny it in most cases lie. I agree they are exceptions but they are very rare.
         For a couple of years I have been a slave to steamy sex scenes accessible freely on the Internet fighting hard to stop this bad habit of mine. There were even times when I deluded and calmed myself thinking it’s not that bad for my growth and progress. But since I actually stopped watching any sexual content-oriented videos, that is for more than half a year, I can firmly say that I feel so much better. 
Here’s why I decided never to watch porn again:

  •        Porn industry is fake.

Actors only simulate orgasm – it’s their job and they get paid for it. For example: a lot of the so-called ‘gay actors’ are gay only on screen while in their lives they remain pretty straight (gay for pay). There’s also no intimacy and real connection in porn, just mechanical sex. If you think pornography is real then why do you even need a partner? Isn’t porn supposed to satisfy all of your needs?
I cannot help but remember U2’s lyrics from “Even better than the real thing”:
                   You’re the real thing
                   Yeah the real thing
                   You’re the real thing
                   Even better than the real thing 

  •       Illuminati order

Call me a conspiracy nerd but I have this feeling and I firmly believe that a circle of powerful people tries to keep us subordinate to them with all means, including pornography. They are using our weaknesses to poison our lives with all other ‘sins’ like violence, murders, thefts, madness, etc. If you don’t believe me take a look for instance at the Hollywood industry. The directors and producers are very aware you came only to see the 2-3 minutes super hot scene between Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis in “The Black Swan” and you don’t give a damn about the rest. But the rest has to do with personality splitting, depressions, anxiety, flitting of feathers, biting tongues and self-harm. Downright uplifting one’s soul and spirit! Bonus: chant “Om” at the closing titles and exit the theater happy how you spent your hard earned bucks! Once a colleague of mine told me that he watches movies sometimes only because of a particular scene lasting no longer than a few minutes. Instantly sex scenes popped up in my mind. 

  •       Porn is unspiritual

It loosens one’s will and determination by adding a new kind of addiction in one’s life. First there were the addictions of smoking and drinking. Then drugs, sex addiction followed by porn and the Internet… Now everybody’s hooked on their Facebook and twitter status. Where’s the world going to? Watching porn is antispiritual in every possible way. If one is far away from TV, radio and all social media, one really has the opportunity to explode one’s mind and imagination. Yes, I mean explode – set free and let go. In tantric scriptures it is said that we should manifest our passions by unleashing them and facing them. The process in which they gather energy and grow to a point of materialization when Kundalini awakens is what is called “exploding”. Besides, as modern science asserts, our minds are a miniature holographic universe. This means nobody needs to watch porn – it is already in our minds, we only have to explode it.

  •       You are better.

What good is watching other people’s fantasies when you can enjoy visualizing your own. They will surely suit you better – they’ll be more interesting, inspiring and exciting to you. And you will keep your independence while exploring your sexuality and mind. 

          In conclusion I can only advise the next time you decide to watch porn, think about how it affects you. Does it feel realistic? Do you have control over it or you are you obsessed?
Even if you cannot give up this habit at once, try doing for a short time without porn. Be aware how you’ll feel and if you like the difference then there will be more people like me out there…
First published revised in Thoughtcatalog

Why I Will Never Watch Porn Again
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